Air & Climate
Salt Lake City reduces emissions of unhealthy air pollutants and climate-changing greenhouse gases to ensure the region's security, resilience, and quality of life.
2015 Goals
- Improve air quality to protect community health and our environment.
- Reduce greenhouse gas emissions to mitigate climate change.
- Anticipate and protect the community from short and long term negative impacts associated with climate change, including air quality, water resource, extreme weather and public health.
- City employee use of alternative transportation, including carpooling, biking, walking and taking public transit.
- Vehicle idling in the City.
- Percentage of clean and alternative fuel vehicles in City fleet.
- Number of public-access alternative fuel stations in city.
- GHG emissions from City operations.
- Climate adaptation strategies for air quality impacts
Starting Point
- 25% of employee commute trips in 2008
- No Idle Free Ordinance until November 2011. Salt Lake City Council unanimously adopted Idle Free Ordinance 12.58.030.
- 2.3% of City's on-road vehicle fleet made up of CNG, electric, or hybrids in 2009.
- 6 EV stations and 5 CNG stations in 2011.
- 98,278 tons in 2008.
- No climate adaptation plan in place in 2011.
2015 Target
- 50%.
- General compliance with Idle Free Ordinance. Reduce 365,966 pounds of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxide, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter from the air.
- 15% of City's on-road fleet made up of clean vehicles.
- 12 public EV stations and 7 CNG fuel stations.
- 85,536 tons (15% reduction).
- Plan developed, strategies incorporated into relevant planning.
Current Status
- 31%
- UCAIR's education grant program is supporting increased educational outreach and ordinance awareness. Over 50 businesses have posted Idle Free signs on their property since the ordinance took effect. New signs are being distributed to schools, businesses, and public places.
- Original 2015 target reached by end of 2014. Considerations are underway to increase the City's goal to help mitigate impacts to air quality.
- There are 40 EV stations and 6 CNG stations in Salt Lake City as of 2014. The EV station goal has been surpassed by a large margin, with 8 EV stations City owned and 35 owned and operated by other entities. The City recently received a grant to add an additional 25 EV stations in the coming years.
- In order to address the current and future impacts of climate change, Salt Lake City convened an internal steering committee to assess local vulnerabilities and response strategies. The Mayor’s Climate Adaptation Steering Committee met several times and ultimately compiled a summary of vulnerabilities and risks. The next phase of this work will combine our climate adaptation work with existing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions into a consolidated Climate Response Plan. The City aims to document and prioritize next step implementation strategies by year-end 2015.