In-Person Traffic School
If you receive a traffic violation you may be eligible for a Plea in Abeyance (Traffic
School) and have your citation reported as a dismissal to the Driver License Division.
Plea in Abeyance (Traffic School) is not an option if you have a CDL license or
if you were speeding in a school zone. If you were involved in an accident and are interested in traffic school, you must contact a Traffic Clerk by
phone or in person, to find out if you qualify. If you have a CDL, please contact the court.
If you are not eligible for this Plea in Abeyance, please contact the court for other Plea in Abeyance Options available.
You may qualify for a Plea in Abeyance (Traffic
School) if you meet the following conditions:
- Pay to the Court the violation fee plus a $25.00 plea in abeyance fee and the traffic
school fee of $65.00.
- The traffic violation does not involve a mandatory court appearance.
- The traffic violation does not involve speeding cited for more than 20 mph over the posted speed limit.
- The City Prosecutor has approved the plea in abeyance if a traffic violation involves an accident and restitution has been addressed.
- Defendant is willing to plead guilty.
- A Plea in abeyance fee of $25.00 is assessed.
- The fee assessed conforms to the Uniform Bail Schedule for the cited speed.
- It is the first traffic offense in a twelve month period within our jurisdiction.
- The defendant agrees to complete Tier 1 traffic school within 90 days.
- Defendant has less than 4 traffic offenses within a 5 year period in any jurisdiction.
- Attend traffic School by the assigned date.
You must immediately notify the court of any change of address or phone number. Keep a copy of your plea in abeyance form for your record(s).
Once all the conditions have been met and verified by the court, your completed plea in abeyance agreement will be docketed and submitted.
All fees are non-refundable
Once all the conditions have been met and verified by the Court, your completed
Plea and Abeyance agreement will be docketed and submitted.
Traffic School is held on the first Thursday and the third Thursday of each month from 5:15 pm to 6:30 pm
at the Salt Lake City Justice Court, located at, 333 S 200 E, SLC UT 84111.
Please note: Traffic school will not be held during the week of a Holiday.
The in-person class is one hour long. Payment may be made online with credit card,
in cash, money order, or personal check with the proper I.D. and must be made to
the Salt Lake City Justice Court prior to attending the class. You must pay for
the class in advance, and have a Plea in Abeyance form with you when you attend.
No one will be admitted to the class without a Plea in Abeyance form.